Security ID pass applications

All Security ID pass applications for Jersey Airport must be submitted through our online portal, Airport Gateway. As an authorised signatory, you should have received your Airport Gateway log in. This gives you access to the online portal and will enable you to complete applications for:

  •     Full ID passes
  •     Landside passes
  •     Re-issue ID passes
  •     Lost or stolen ID passes
  •     Temporary ID passes
  •     Change of details

Once a signatory or sponsor has submitted an application through the online portal, the application will then be reviewed by our ID Office team during office hours. The system is monitored from Monday to Wednesday, between 9am and 2pm, as well as Thursday and Friday, between 9am and 4pm.

The ID Office is open for appointments on Monday between 9.30am and 1pm and Thursday afternoons, between 1pm and 4pm – this needs to be booked in advance via the ID Gateway system. The Office is closed on Saturday, Sunday and bank holidays.

It is important to note that you should allow 24-48 hours for an application to be reviewed. We cannot guarantee that any temporary applications submitted with less than 24 hours notice will be processed in time.

All IDs (temporary or full) will be processed during office hours only as above.

What is required for a full ID pass?

  1. Valid ID (passport, driving licence, National ID card)
  2. Accreditation check
  3. Criminal Record Check from Disclosure Scotland
  4. Confirmation of continued employment with the organisation in the last five years
  5. Complete and passed General Security Awareness Training certificate (GSAT)
  6. Security interview declaration

A GSAT can be requested and paid for on www.Quadratica.co.uk.

Please allow three to five working days for a full ID pass to be checked and approved.

You should start reapplying for a renewal or re-issue one month before your full ID pass expires.

Your responsibility as a sponsor or signatory and pass holder

It is your responsibility to ensure that all the information is collated and submitted correctly. You must also ensure that, where there are any changes to a person’s role or appearance, as outlined below, that a Change of Details application is submitted through the Airport Gateway system.

  • Change of role/department (permanent or temporary)
  • Significant change in appearance
  • Change of access
  • Security pass has faded
  • Name change

It is also your responsibility to ensure that any passes no longer required or expired are returned to the ID Office within five working days.

Once a full ID pass has been approved and issued, it is then the responsibility of the pass holder to ensure that the pass is valid when trying to access airside. The pass holder must also ensure that under no circumstances does tailgating occur.

Failure to swipe or use your full ID pass within 60 days will result in the pass being deactivated. In order to reactivate the pass, the sponsor/signatory must submit an application through Airport Gateway to unpark the pass. It is important to note that should a pass be inactive for six months or more, a new ID pass application must be submitted.

Documents used in conjunction with Airport Gateway

Confirmation of Employment, Training and Education Record 2023

Gaps in Employment, Training or Education Record 2023

Jersey ID Pass Application Standard 2023

Personal character reference

Security interview and applicant declaration 2023

Security Briefing Notes for all Security Pass Holders V2 2023

Basic Disclosure Certificate – Apply online

ID Office opening hours

The system is monitored from Monday to Wednesday, between 9am and 2pm, as well as Thursday and Friday, between 9am and 4pm.

The ID office is open for appointments on Monday between 9.30am and 1pm and Thursday afternoons  between 1pm and 4pm – this needs to be booked in advance via the ID Gateway system.

Closed Saturday, Sunday and bank holidays

Temporary ID applications will only be authorised during opening hours of the ID Office.

Contact us

Telephone : +44 (0) 7797 797859 or +44 (0) 1534 446065

Email : securityadmin@ports.je

Charges relating to security passes

Transaction type Airport charge
Full AIC airside or landside pass or full pass reissue £40.00
Sponsor application (per company) £70.00
Signatory application (per individual) £40.00
Temporary airside ID pass £20.00
Pass lost or stolen  (incl. of replacement pass) £50.00
Change of pass details or pass reactivation £20.00
Accreditation check £10.00

Charges came into effect on Sunday 13 December 2020.

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