Pan-European Network Services User Group meeting hosted in Jersey for the first time

Published: 09 September 2024

Jersey is hosting the Pan-European Network Services User Group meeting for the first time.

The Pan-European Network Services (PENS) is a telecommunications network established in 2009 by Eurocontrol, the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation, an international organisation working to achieve safe and seamless air traffic management across Europe.

PENS provides a common IP-based network service across the European region for voice and data communication to support existing and new requirements for air traffic.

The network makes it easier to share information across borders, such as:

  • Flight message transfer protocol for the exchange of coordination and messages
  • Air Traffic Control message handling the exchange of aeronautical information such as flight plans
  • Surveillance for the exchange of radar data between Air Navigation Service Providers
  • Voice over IP for voice communications between Area Control Centres.

The meeting will focus on the next generation of European network services. The group will also discuss user needs and management of ongoing issues, giving an opportunity for member organisations to input into future developments.

Stephen Higginson, Air Traffic Engineering Assurance Manager at Ports of Jersey, said “One of the great benefits of the user group is sharing knowledge and experience with our peers in the organisations who use the network.

“This involves meeting people who we directly interact with and also those who we would never meet but have given us great assistance in the management of Pan-European Network Services in Jersey”.

The meeting will take place at the Pomme D’Or Hotel on 10 and 11 September.

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